David Sanmiguel Fine Art Painting Books at Discount Prices!

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Fine Art Painting Books

Painting Class - Oil by David Sanmiguel

Painting Class in Oil by David Sanmiguel Front Cover

Oil painting made easy for the beginner!
Painting Class - Oil
by David Sanmiguel will teach you how to easily learn how to mix colors and master rudimentary brushstrokes. Also learn how to create sophisticated chiaroscuro effects. This at-home oil painting course is an enjoyable introduction to all of the oil painting basics.
Enjoy a wealth of examples by different artists who illustrate their diverse styles, subjects and techniques. Then put your skills to use on a series of exercises that will give you the experience and confidence to develop your own works.

Author Title Part Number List Price 30% Off
Sanmiguel, David Painting Class Oil BKSD402 $17.95




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