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Decorative Painting Books No Longer Available

Below is a list of Decorative and Fine Art painting books we previously stocked, however, are no longer available.

NLL = No Longer Listed

OOP = Out Of Print

Author Title Part Number
Anderson, Gail Tolehaven Collection III OOP BKAG102
Anderson, Gail Tolehaven Christmas III OOP BKAG103
Anderson, Gail Tolehaven Collection IV OOP BKAG104
Anderson, Gail Tolehaven Collection V OOP BKAG105
Anderson, Gail Tolehaven Collection VII OOP BKAG108
Assorted Artists Heartfelt Seasons NLL BKAA102
Assorted Artists Painted Christmas Ornaments NLL BKAA103
Assorted Artists Sizzling Seasonal Scrapbook Pages NLL BKAA105
Assorted Artists Stamp! NLL BKAA110
Assorted Artists Scrapbooking Plus, Vol 1 BKAA111
Assorted Artists Scrapbooking Plus, Vol 2 BKAA112
Assort Artists Discover Watercolor BKAA106
Assorted Artists Art of Drawing Landscapes BKAA114
Aubuchon, Sandy Acrylic Canvas Painting Made Easy NLL BKAS208
Bailey, Sue Birds and Their Houses NLL BKBS208
Vincenc, Ballestar Painting Landscapes with Watercolor BKBV201
Barrick, Helan MDA Angel Twigs Book 2 OOP BKBH106
Barrick, Helan MDA Fairytale Whippersnappers Book 2 (Acrylics) OOP BKBH109
Baughan, Kalon Painting Faces of Wildlife OOP BKBK401
Bernabé, Ana World of Animals NLL BKBA401
Beard, Trudy Second Time Around NLL BKBT102
Beard, Trudy This Old Chair NLL BKBT102
Birkeland, Kristen Have A Very Merry Tole Painted Christmas BKBK501
Brand, M. Lynn Roses en Francais BKBL101
Byrd, Bette Bette Byrd's Furniture In Bloom OOP BKBB106
Binam, Sharyn Desert Trails, Vol 2 NLL BKBS408
Boerman, Susan R. It's Great to Create NLL BKBS901
Boerman, Susan R. It's Great to Create Volume 2 NLL BKBS902
Boyd, Peggy Easy Heirloom Furniture BKBP201
Brand, M. Lynn Light Filled Landscapes NLL BKBL101
Braun, Avis CDA Winter Dreams NLL BKBA303
Braun, Bev Kirschner New Ideas for Crafting Heritage Albums NLL BKBK601
Brown, Ken Poetry of Flowers NLL BKBK107
Bulgin, Sally The Artists' Problem Solver NLL BKBS301
Buononato, Sharon CDA Painting Romantic Landscapes BKBS601
Burgos, Marcela CDA Distant Shores, Cherished Memories NLL BKBM201
Byrd, Betty L 2002 7th Edition Conversion Guide OOP BKBB213
Cagle, Gretchen Heart to Heart Pure and Simple Japanese NLL BKCA201
Canadian Artists The Gallery Collection NLL BKCA201
Caporale, Wendy NLL Painting Children's Portraits in Pastel BKCW101
Chaplin, Mike Expressive Watercolors NLL BKCM401
Childress, Pam A Romance With Roses BKSC573
Claflin, Jackie Windows of My World Vol 7 OOP BKSC507
Clafin, Jackie Windows of My World Vol 8 OOP BKSC561
Clouse, Wendy Step By Step Art School - Acrylics BKCW201
Conway, Aurelia How to Paint a Gourd OOP BKCA104
Conway, Aurelia Gourds in the Garden OOP BKCA105
Conway, Aurelia Gourd Purses NLL BKCA106
Coulter, Linda and Michelle A Beautiful Journey BKSC555
Cumber, Jan Instant Windows NLL BKCJ301
Cumber, Jan More Fabulous Florals BKCJ302
Deco Art Glass Expressions BKDA303
Demasi, Louise Painted Pastures BKDL601
Denison, Laurie Garden Romance OOP BKDL401
Dent, Dorothy From The Heart Of The Country Vol 7 OOP BKDD116
Dent, Dorothy Simply Country, Vol 19 OOP BKDD123
Denton, Juanita CDA Fantasy Garden Volume 3 OOP BKDJ406
Denton, Juanita CDA Faerie Garden Book I NLL BKDJ401
Derby, Lynda Country Style Still Lifes BKDL501
Dewberry, Donna One Stroke Revised Donna's Favorites NLL BKDD303
Dewberry, Donna One Stroke Revised Basic Strokes Workbook OOP BKDD309
Dewberry, Donna One Stroke Merry Makers OOP BKDD320
Dewberry, Donna Garden of Fabric Painting OOP BKDD323
Dewberry, Donna One Stroke Happy Holidays NLL BKDD339
Dewberry, Donna One Stroke I Believe In Angels OOP BKDD357
Dewberry, Donna One Stroke Amazing Metallics NLL BKDD369
Dewberry, Donna One Stroke Peaceful Landscapes OOP BKDD342
Dewberry, Donna One Stroke Flowers and Vines BKDD302
Dewberry, Donna Revised Basic Strokes Workbook OOP BKDD309
Dewberry, Donna Bake-Able Glass Painting OOP BKDD324
Dewberry, Donna Clay Pots OOP BKDD360
Dewberry, Donna For the Holidays OOP BKDD316
Dewberry, Donna Holiday Treasures OOP BKDD353
Diephouse, Judy Sweatin Distinctively  BKDJ305
Dye, Sandy Folk Art Finery on Metal NLL BKDS101
Eads, Gail At Natures Best NLL BKEG202
Edward, Diane Rosemaling Boxes NLL BKED107
Edwards, Ginger Painted Floorcloths (Acrylics) OOP BKEG111
Edwards, Ginger Color, Style, Design for Your Home NLL BKEG113
Edwards, Ginger Angels Surround Us NLL BKEG114
Edwards, Ginger Lampshades Off the Shelf OOP BKEG115
Edwards, Ginger Roses and Old Fashioned Flowers NLL BKEG116
Edwards, Ginger An Indoor Garden NLL BKEG118
Egan, Dorothy Baskets of Beauty (Acrylics) NLL BKED202
Embry, Karen Tea in the Garden NLL BKEK101
Fabricius, Karen-Marie Paper Crafting Techniques BKFK201
Fochler, Sandy Briar Patch 4 BKSC479
Fochler, Sandy Briar Patch Vol 5 BKSC506
Fox, Jan Dreams of My Fragrant Garden NLL BKFJ301
Frei, Erika A Cat's Tail NLL BKFE102
Ghumm, Erikia and Frye Hauer, Pamela Montage Memories - Creating Altered Scrapbook Pages BKGE101
Girling, Denise A Bear Necessity 2 BKSC583
Goodman, Sandi Giggles and Hugs 3 BKSC576
Goodman, Sandi Giggles and Hugs BKSC548
Gordon, Cindi Painting Tiny Treasures NLL BKGC201
Gray, Bobbie and Jim Brush Lettering OOP BKGB103
Graziano, Carrie Heartbeats and Fairy Tails NLL BKGC104
Greene, Gary Ptg With Water Soluble Colored Pencils OOP BKGG101
Greene, Gary Artist's Photo Reference: Reflections, Textures and Backgrounds NLL BKGG106
Gutcher, John Beginning Painter's Color Mixing Guide OOP BKGJ102
Hagan, Robert Romantic Oil Painting Made Easy BKHR301
Hall, Roberta Maple Sugar 3 BKSC471
Halvorson, Barb Sharing Gifts of Nature BKHB201
Hammel, Lois Acrylic Beginnings NLL BKHL201
Hanley, Holly Sunshine Kisses and Warm Winter Wishes OOP BKSC560
Hanley, Holly Sunshine Kisses and Warm Winter Wishes 3 OOP BKSC582
Harris Tustian, Brenda Summer Sweets NLL BKHB101
Harris, Peggy Baskets of Babies NLL BKHP205
Hauser, Priscilla MDA Priscilla Paints Teapots Book 1 NLL BKHP126
Hauser, Priscilla MDA Priscilla Hauser's Dec Ptg Secrets OOP BKHP134
Hauser, Priscilla MDA Priscilla Paints with Daubers OOP BKHP137
Hauser, Priscilla MDA Priscilla Paints Pretty Purses and Bags NLL BKHP145
Hauser, Priscilla MDA Priscilla's Beautiful Roses OOP BKHP140
Hayman, Joanne Heirlooms, Soft and Elegant BKHJ101
Hercus, Jo Brindabella Bears NLL BKHJ201
Hoessinger, Enid CDA Ptg. Folk Art Flowers Enid Hoessinger OOP BKHE103
Holman, Catherine Charming Village Scenes You Can Pt OOP BKHC106
Hull, Jackie Rubber Stamp Collage Art NLL BKHJ601
Hunk, Emma Emma Hunk's Country Painting Style NLL BKHE301
Hunter, Anne Another Visit to Hunter Valley NLL BKHA102
Jackson, Louise MDA Paint a Summer Garden OOP BKJL116
Jackson, Louise MDA Autumn Garden OOP BKJL118
Jackson, Louise MDA Special Moments NLL BKJL120
Jansen, Jo Sonja Potting Shed Collection OOP BKJS164
Johansen, Linda Fast Fun and Easy Fabric Boxes BKJL302
Johnston, Bev and Tyriver, Pam Starlight Prairie Lane Book 1 OOP BKJB212
Johnston, Bev and Tyriver, Pam Starlight Seasons Book 1 - Vol 15 OOP BKJB215
Johnson, Cathy Watercolor Pencil MagicOOP BKJC206
Jo Sonja Jansen MDA VGM The New Rosemaling Primer OOP BKJS159
Jo Sonja Jansen MDA VGM Painting For Christmas OOP BKJS160
Jo Sonja Jansen MDA VGM Painted Tin Volume 2 OOP BKJS163
Karpf, Jo Ann Nature's Splendor BKKJ202
Kelley, Susan Garden Girls NLL BKKS501
Kerr, Michelle Garden Potpourri NLL BKKM201
King, Cheryl Create A Gift NLL BKKC103
Krauchi, Willow Beautiful Birds NLL BKKW101
Krauchi, Willow Garden Birds BKKW102
LaBree, Roni Enjoy the Seasons Vol 2 OOP BKSC538
Lang, Annie Ladybugs on the Loose NLL BKLA302
Lang, Annie Who Let the Kid Out? NLL BKLA303
Lawrence, Rod Painting Wildlife Textures Step By Step OOP BKLR101
Leland, Nita The Creative Artist BKLN101
Long, Hanna Country Favorites NLL BKSC489
Lundberg, Leila A Festival of Flowers OOP BKLL202
Lundberg, Leila A Festival of Flowers, Vol 2 OOP BKLL203
Mann, Cindy Memories and Keepsakes BKMC309
Mann Vitale, Cindy Painted Gifts and Greetings NLL BKMC307
Mansfield, Barbara Painted Gift Jars and Bottles OOP BKMB101
Martin, Juliet Christmas Elegance Book 8 NLL BKMJ128
MacFarlane, Jill Celebrate the Children BKMJ603
Mays, Carol A Couple Of Ideas NLL BKMC202
McFadden, Linda Strawberry Lane OOP BKML204
McWilliams, Jeff Outdoor Decor in an Instant BKMJ350
Miller, Corrine Special Welcomes Vol 7 OOP BKSC543
Morrison, Bee Beginning Watercolors BKMB201
Myer, Phillip and Jones, Andy Creative Canvas Floorcloths and Moore NLL BKMP109
Myer, Phillip and Jones, Andy Flowers for Your Room NLL BKMP111
Myer, Phillip C. Creative Paint Finishes for the Home OOP BKMP101
Neilsen, Gladys Village Views Book 3 OOP BKNG102
Nice, Claudia Ptg Nature in Pen and Ink With Watercolor OOP BKNC103
O'Keefe, Jackie Handlettering for Decorative ArtistsOOP BKOJ101
Okura, Jurate Seasons Delight Vol 2 OOP BKSC522
Omaha, Cindy Those Blooming Bears 4 BKSC547
Ono, Takumasa The Simple Art of Sumi-E NLL BKOT101
Ott, Heidi Simply Classical NLL BKOH101
Parella, Donna Lee A Circle of Flowers NLL BKPD201
Parkinson, Connie A Classy Affair NLL BKPC205
Patterson, Donald W Creating Watercolor Landscapes Using Photographs NLL BKPD101
Paul, Tony How to Create Texture in your paintings BKPT102
Pennycock, Bob Rustic Still Lifes OOP BKPB203
Introducing Plaid Enamels Pretty Tableware NLL BKPF118
Plaid Folk Art Crafty Expressions Idea Book OOP BKPF135
Plaid Folk Art Birdhouses For Fun NLL BKPF119
Plaid Folk Art Holiday Collage BKPF124
Plaid Folk Art Join Us For Tea NLL BKPF120
Plaid Folk Art Ornaments For A Holiday Tree OOP BKPF116
Plaid Folk Art Simply Style BKPF138
Plummer, Carlton AWS Create Dramatic Coastal Scenes in Watercolor NLL BKPC301
Popp, Karen Farm Birds OOP BKPK201
Quast, Barbara Making Miniature Flowers with Polymer Clay NLL BKQB101
Reynolds, Kenna / Malone, D Heart Tugs and Bear Hugs NLL BKRK302
Reynolds, Kenna / Malone, D Cuddles and Critters NLL BKRK305
Reynolds, Kenna / Malone, D Cozy Days and Warm Ways NLL BKRK306
Riopelle, Corrine So Many Snowmen BKRC201
Robayna, Mirta Images from Nature NLL BKRM201
Rohne, Ellen  Coming Home NLL BKRE102
Rowley, Londi CDA Merry Peasant Volume 4 NLL BKRL109
Rulon, Bart Artist's Photo Reference - Birds BKRB103
Shannon, Sharon A Tender Touch NLL BKSS601
Sharpe, Carol Sun Kissed Colours NLL BKSC601
Sims, Tracy A Victorian Collection NLL BKST201
Sims, Tracy A Victorian Collection Vol 2 NLL BKST202
Smith-Burns, Gigi Gigi's Garden Delights NLL BKSB215
Stallcup, Ross Gran's Cottage NLL BKSC533
Stallcup, Ross Gran's Marketplace (Acrylics) OOP BKSC426
Stevenson, Annette Forever Roses, Vol 2 OOP BKSA302
Stokes, Chris Simply Gourd-geous Again OOP BKSC712
Sweeney, Kathy Door Baskets BKSK401
Swiatek Gillen, Arlene Classy Glass NLL BKSA401
Takashima, Bobbie Painting a World of Enchantment OOP BKTB105
Taylor, Maureen A. Preserving Your Family Photographs NLL BKTM601
Thomas, Maxine Country Primitives Vol 3 OOP BKSC322
Thomas, Robyn Sugar Brush Season NLL BKTR102
Tilford, Phyllis More Tole Mill Favorites OOP BKTP109
Vannier, Prudy Toys and Collectibles OOP BKVP105
Vannier, Prudy Garden Glories Fruit Vegetables/Berries OOP BKVP110
Van Wyk, Helen Helen's Favorite Color Recipes NLL BKVH102
Vigue, Jordi Great Women Masters of Art BKVJ201
Wald, Janet Painting With Attitude NLL BKWJ403
Wald, Janet An Oriental Flair NLL BKWJ402
Walsh, Paula Bear's Inn Jars OOP BKSC539
Walsh, Paula Bear's Inn Jars 2 OOP BKSC563
Walters, Kathi CDA Pipsqueaks: Greatest Hits NLL BKWK117
Ward, Kathy Pntg for Outdoor Entertaining NLL BKWK201
Weiser, Marsha CDA Realistic Illusions 3 NLL BKWM305
Wekarchuk-Shute, Nancy CDA Heritage Seasons NLL BKWN107
Wekarchuk-Shute, Nancy CDA Heritage Beginnings NLL BKWN108
Whisson, Colley Creating Impressionist Landscapes in Oil OOP BKWC201
Williams, Amanda Country Doodles 3 BKSC578
Williams, Connie Connie's Winter Wonderland NLL BKWC101
Williams, Connie Harvest Moon and Frosty Days NLL BKWC102
Willenbrink, Mark and Mary Watercolor for the Absolute Beginner BKWM701
Wilson, Shirley Merry Christmas Chronicles Big Blue Book NLL BKWS204
Wollenberg, Ursula Heaven and Hearts BKWU113
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