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Decorative Painting Books No Longer Available
Below is a list of Decorative and Fine Art painting books we previously stocked, however, are no longer available.
NLL = No Longer Listed
OOP = Out Of Print |
Author |
Title |
Part Number |
Anderson, Gail |
Tolehaven Collection III OOP |
BKAG102 |
Anderson, Gail |
Tolehaven Christmas III OOP |
BKAG103 |
Anderson, Gail |
Tolehaven Collection IV OOP |
BKAG104 |
Anderson, Gail |
Tolehaven Collection V OOP |
BKAG105 |
Anderson, Gail |
Tolehaven Collection VII OOP |
BKAG108 |
Assorted Artists |
Heartfelt Seasons NLL |
BKAA102 |
Assorted Artists |
Painted Christmas Ornaments NLL |
BKAA103 |
Assorted Artists |
Sizzling Seasonal Scrapbook Pages NLL |
BKAA105 |
Assorted Artists |
Stamp! NLL |
BKAA110 |
Assorted Artists |
Scrapbooking Plus, Vol 1 |
BKAA111 |
Assorted Artists |
Scrapbooking Plus, Vol 2 |
BKAA112 |
Assort Artists |
Discover Watercolor |
BKAA106 |
Assorted Artists |
Art of Drawing Landscapes |
BKAA114 |
Aubuchon, Sandy |
Acrylic Canvas Painting Made Easy NLL |
BKAS208 |
Bailey, Sue |
Birds and Their Houses NLL |
BKBS208 |
Vincenc, Ballestar |
Painting Landscapes with Watercolor |
BKBV201 |
Barrick, Helan MDA |
Angel Twigs Book 2 OOP |
BKBH106 |
Barrick, Helan MDA |
Fairytale Whippersnappers Book 2 (Acrylics) OOP |
BKBH109 |
Baughan, Kalon |
Painting Faces of Wildlife OOP |
BKBK401 |
Bernabé, Ana |
World of Animals NLL |
BKBA401 |
Beard, Trudy |
Second Time Around NLL |
BKBT102 |
Beard, Trudy |
This Old Chair NLL |
BKBT102 |
Birkeland, Kristen |
Have A Very Merry Tole Painted Christmas |
BKBK501 |
Brand, M. Lynn |
Roses en Francais |
BKBL101 |
Byrd, Bette |
Bette Byrd's Furniture In Bloom OOP |
BKBB106 |
Binam, Sharyn |
Desert Trails, Vol 2 NLL |
BKBS408 |
Boerman, Susan R. |
It's Great to Create NLL |
BKBS901 |
Boerman, Susan R. |
It's Great to Create Volume 2 NLL |
BKBS902 |
Boyd, Peggy |
Easy Heirloom Furniture |
BKBP201 |
Brand, M. Lynn |
Light Filled Landscapes NLL |
BKBL101 |
Braun, Avis CDA |
Winter Dreams NLL |
BKBA303 |
Braun, Bev Kirschner |
New Ideas for Crafting Heritage Albums NLL |
BKBK601 |
Brown, Ken |
Poetry of Flowers NLL |
BKBK107 |
Bulgin, Sally |
The Artists' Problem Solver NLL |
BKBS301 |
Buononato, Sharon CDA |
Painting Romantic Landscapes |
BKBS601 |
Burgos, Marcela CDA |
Distant Shores, Cherished Memories NLL |
BKBM201 |
Byrd, Betty L |
2002 7th Edition Conversion Guide OOP |
BKBB213 |
Cagle, Gretchen |
Heart to Heart Pure and Simple Japanese NLL |
BKCA201 |
Canadian Artists |
The Gallery Collection NLL |
BKCA201 |
Caporale, Wendy NLL |
Painting Children's Portraits in Pastel |
BKCW101 |
Chaplin, Mike |
Expressive Watercolors NLL |
BKCM401 |
Childress, Pam |
A Romance With Roses |
BKSC573 |
Claflin, Jackie |
Windows of My World Vol 7 OOP |
BKSC507 |
Clafin, Jackie |
Windows of My World Vol 8 OOP |
BKSC561 |
Clouse, Wendy |
Step By Step Art School - Acrylics |
BKCW201 |
Conway, Aurelia |
How to Paint a Gourd OOP |
BKCA104 |
Conway, Aurelia |
Gourds in the Garden OOP |
BKCA105 |
Conway, Aurelia |
Gourd Purses NLL |
BKCA106 |
Coulter, Linda and Michelle |
A Beautiful Journey |
BKSC555 |
Cumber, Jan |
Instant Windows NLL |
BKCJ301 |
Cumber, Jan |
More Fabulous Florals |
BKCJ302 |
Deco Art |
Glass Expressions |
BKDA303 |
Demasi, Louise |
Painted Pastures |
BKDL601 |
Denison, Laurie |
Garden Romance OOP |
BKDL401 |
Dent, Dorothy |
From The Heart Of The Country Vol 7 OOP |
BKDD116 |
Dent, Dorothy |
Simply Country, Vol 19 OOP |
BKDD123 |
Denton, Juanita CDA |
Fantasy Garden Volume 3 OOP |
BKDJ406 |
Denton, Juanita CDA |
Faerie Garden Book I NLL |
BKDJ401 |
Derby, Lynda |
Country Style Still Lifes |
BKDL501 |
Dewberry, Donna |
One Stroke Revised Donna's Favorites NLL |
BKDD303 |
Dewberry, Donna |
One Stroke Revised Basic Strokes Workbook OOP |
BKDD309 |
Dewberry, Donna |
One Stroke Merry Makers OOP |
BKDD320 |
Dewberry, Donna |
Garden of Fabric Painting OOP |
BKDD323 |
Dewberry, Donna |
One Stroke Happy Holidays NLL |
BKDD339 |
Dewberry, Donna |
One Stroke I Believe In Angels OOP |
BKDD357 |
Dewberry, Donna |
One Stroke Amazing Metallics NLL |
BKDD369 |
Dewberry, Donna |
One Stroke Peaceful Landscapes OOP |
BKDD342 |
Dewberry, Donna |
One Stroke Flowers and Vines |
BKDD302 |
Dewberry, Donna |
Revised Basic Strokes Workbook OOP |
BKDD309 |
Dewberry, Donna |
Bake-Able Glass Painting OOP |
BKDD324 |
Dewberry, Donna |
Clay Pots OOP |
BKDD360 |
Dewberry, Donna |
For the Holidays OOP |
BKDD316 |
Dewberry, Donna |
Holiday Treasures OOP |
BKDD353 |
Diephouse, Judy |
Sweatin Distinctively |
BKDJ305 |
Dye, Sandy |
Folk Art Finery on Metal NLL |
BKDS101 |
Eads, Gail |
At Natures Best NLL |
BKEG202 |
Edward, Diane |
Rosemaling Boxes NLL |
BKED107 |
Edwards, Ginger |
Painted Floorcloths (Acrylics) OOP |
BKEG111 |
Edwards, Ginger |
Color, Style, Design for Your Home NLL |
BKEG113 |
Edwards, Ginger |
Angels Surround Us NLL |
BKEG114 |
Edwards, Ginger |
Lampshades Off the Shelf OOP |
BKEG115 |
Edwards, Ginger |
Roses and Old Fashioned Flowers NLL |
BKEG116 |
Edwards, Ginger |
An Indoor Garden NLL |
BKEG118 |
Egan, Dorothy |
Baskets of Beauty (Acrylics) NLL |
BKED202 |
Embry, Karen |
Tea in the Garden NLL |
BKEK101 |
Karen-Marie |
Crafting Techniques |
BKFK201 |
Fochler, Sandy |
Briar Patch 4 |
BKSC479 |
Fochler, Sandy |
Briar Patch Vol 5 |
BKSC506 |
Fox, Jan |
Dreams of My Fragrant Garden NLL |
BKFJ301 |
Frei, Erika |
A Cat's Tail NLL |
BKFE102 |
Ghumm, Erikia and Frye Hauer,
Pamela |
Memories - Creating Altered Scrapbook Pages |
BKGE101 |
Girling, Denise |
A Bear Necessity 2 |
BKSC583 |
Goodman, Sandi |
Giggles and Hugs 3 |
BKSC576 |
Goodman, Sandi |
Giggles and Hugs |
BKSC548 |
Gordon, Cindi |
Painting Tiny Treasures NLL |
BKGC201 |
Gray, Bobbie and Jim |
Brush Lettering OOP |
BKGB103 |
Graziano, Carrie |
Heartbeats and Fairy Tails NLL |
BKGC104 |
Greene, Gary |
Ptg With Water Soluble Colored Pencils OOP |
BKGG101 |
Greene, Gary |
Artist's Photo Reference: Reflections, Textures and Backgrounds NLL |
BKGG106 |
Gutcher, John |
Beginning Painter's Color Mixing Guide OOP |
BKGJ102 |
Hagan, Robert |
Romantic Oil
Painting Made Easy |
BKHR301 |
Hall, Roberta |
Maple Sugar 3 |
BKSC471 |
Halvorson, Barb |
Sharing Gifts of Nature |
BKHB201 |
Hammel, Lois |
Acrylic Beginnings NLL |
BKHL201 |
Hanley, Holly |
Sunshine Kisses and Warm Winter Wishes OOP |
BKSC560 |
Hanley, Holly |
Sunshine Kisses and Warm Winter Wishes 3 OOP |
BKSC582 |
Harris Tustian, Brenda |
Summer Sweets NLL |
BKHB101 |
Harris, Peggy |
Baskets of Babies NLL |
BKHP205 |
Hauser, Priscilla MDA |
Priscilla Paints Teapots Book 1 NLL |
BKHP126 |
Hauser, Priscilla MDA |
Priscilla Hauser's Dec Ptg Secrets OOP |
BKHP134 |
Hauser, Priscilla MDA |
Priscilla Paints with Daubers OOP |
BKHP137 |
Hauser, Priscilla MDA |
Priscilla Paints Pretty Purses and Bags NLL |
BKHP145 |
Hauser, Priscilla MDA |
Priscilla's Beautiful Roses OOP |
BKHP140 |
Hayman, Joanne |
Heirlooms, Soft and Elegant |
BKHJ101 |
Hercus, Jo |
Brindabella Bears NLL |
BKHJ201 |
Hoessinger, Enid CDA |
Ptg. Folk Art Flowers Enid Hoessinger OOP |
BKHE103 |
Holman, Catherine |
Charming Village Scenes You Can Pt OOP |
BKHC106 |
Hull, Jackie |
Rubber Stamp Collage Art NLL |
BKHJ601 |
Hunk, Emma |
Emma Hunk's Country Painting Style NLL |
BKHE301 |
Hunter, Anne |
Another Visit to Hunter Valley NLL |
BKHA102 |
Jackson, Louise MDA |
Paint a Summer Garden OOP |
BKJL116 |
Jackson, Louise MDA |
Autumn Garden OOP |
BKJL118 |
Jackson, Louise MDA |
Special Moments NLL |
BKJL120 |
Jansen, Jo Sonja |
Potting Shed Collection OOP |
BKJS164 |
Johansen, Linda |
Fast Fun and Easy Fabric Boxes |
BKJL302 |
Johnston, Bev and Tyriver, Pam |
Starlight Prairie Lane Book 1 OOP |
BKJB212 |
Johnston, Bev and Tyriver, Pam |
Starlight Seasons Book 1 - Vol 15 OOP |
BKJB215 |
Johnson, Cathy |
Watercolor Pencil MagicOOP |
BKJC206 |
Jo Sonja Jansen MDA VGM |
The New Rosemaling Primer OOP |
BKJS159 |
Jo Sonja Jansen MDA VGM |
Painting For Christmas OOP |
BKJS160 |
Jo Sonja Jansen MDA VGM |
Painted Tin Volume 2 OOP |
BKJS163 |
Karpf, Jo Ann |
Nature's Splendor |
BKKJ202 |
Kelley, Susan |
Garden Girls NLL |
BKKS501 |
Kerr, Michelle |
Garden Potpourri NLL |
BKKM201 |
King, Cheryl |
Create A Gift NLL |
BKKC103 |
Krauchi, Willow |
Beautiful Birds NLL |
BKKW101 |
Krauchi, Willow |
Garden Birds |
BKKW102 |
LaBree, Roni |
Enjoy the Seasons Vol 2 OOP |
BKSC538 |
Lang, Annie |
Ladybugs on the Loose NLL |
BKLA302 |
Lang, Annie |
Who Let the Kid Out? NLL |
BKLA303 |
Lawrence, Rod |
Painting Wildlife Textures Step By Step OOP |
BKLR101 |
Nita |
The Creative Artist |
BKLN101 |
Long, Hanna |
Country Favorites NLL |
BKSC489 |
Lundberg, Leila |
A Festival of Flowers OOP |
BKLL202 |
Lundberg, Leila |
A Festival of
Flowers, Vol 2 OOP |
BKLL203 |
Mann, Cindy |
Memories and Keepsakes |
BKMC309 |
Mann Vitale, Cindy |
Painted Gifts and Greetings NLL |
BKMC307 |
Mansfield, Barbara |
Painted Gift Jars and Bottles OOP |
BKMB101 |
Martin, Juliet |
Christmas Elegance Book 8 NLL |
BKMJ128 |
MacFarlane, Jill |
Celebrate the Children |
BKMJ603 |
Mays, Carol |
A Couple Of Ideas NLL |
BKMC202 |
McFadden, Linda |
Strawberry Lane OOP |
BKML204 |
McWilliams, Jeff |
Outdoor Decor in an Instant |
BKMJ350 |
Miller, Corrine |
Special Welcomes Vol 7 OOP |
BKSC543 |
Morrison, Bee |
Beginning Watercolors |
BKMB201 |
Myer, Phillip and Jones, Andy |
Creative Canvas Floorcloths and Moore NLL |
BKMP109 |
Myer, Phillip and Jones, Andy |
Flowers for Your Room NLL |
BKMP111 |
Myer, Phillip C. |
Creative Paint
Finishes for the Home OOP |
BKMP101 |
Neilsen, Gladys |
Village Views Book 3 OOP |
BKNG102 |
Nice, Claudia |
Ptg Nature in Pen and Ink With Watercolor OOP |
BKNC103 |
O'Keefe, Jackie |
Handlettering for Decorative ArtistsOOP |
BKOJ101 |
Okura, Jurate |
Seasons Delight Vol 2 OOP |
BKSC522 |
Omaha, Cindy |
Those Blooming Bears 4 |
BKSC547 |
Ono, Takumasa |
The Simple Art of Sumi-E NLL |
BKOT101 |
Ott, Heidi |
Simply Classical NLL |
BKOH101 |
Parella, Donna Lee |
A Circle of Flowers NLL |
BKPD201 |
Parkinson, Connie |
A Classy Affair NLL |
BKPC205 |
Patterson, Donald W |
Creating Watercolor Landscapes Using Photographs NLL |
BKPD101 |
Paul, Tony |
How to Create Texture in your paintings |
BKPT102 |
Pennycock, Bob |
Rustic Still Lifes OOP |
BKPB203 |
Introducing Plaid Enamels |
Pretty Tableware NLL |
BKPF118 |
Plaid Folk Art |
Crafty Expressions Idea Book OOP |
BKPF135 |
Plaid Folk Art |
Birdhouses For Fun NLL |
BKPF119 |
Plaid Folk Art |
Holiday Collage |
BKPF124 |
Plaid Folk Art |
Join Us For Tea NLL |
BKPF120 |
Plaid Folk Art |
Ornaments For A Holiday Tree OOP |
BKPF116 |
Plaid Folk Art |
Simply Style |
BKPF138 |
Plummer, Carlton AWS |
Create Dramatic Coastal Scenes in Watercolor NLL |
BKPC301 |
Popp, Karen |
Farm Birds OOP |
BKPK201 |
Quast, Barbara |
Making Miniature Flowers with Polymer Clay NLL |
BKQB101 |
Reynolds, Kenna / Malone, D |
Heart Tugs and Bear Hugs NLL |
BKRK302 |
Reynolds, Kenna / Malone, D |
Cuddles and Critters NLL |
BKRK305 |
Reynolds, Kenna / Malone, D |
Cozy Days and Warm Ways NLL |
BKRK306 |
Riopelle, Corrine |
So Many Snowmen |
BKRC201 |
Robayna, Mirta |
Images from Nature NLL |
BKRM201 |
Rohne, Ellen |
Coming Home NLL |
BKRE102 |
Rowley, Londi CDA |
Merry Peasant
Volume 4 NLL |
BKRL109 |
Rulon, Bart |
Artist's Photo Reference - Birds |
BKRB103 |
Shannon, Sharon |
A Tender Touch NLL |
BKSS601 |
Sharpe, Carol |
Sun Kissed Colours NLL |
BKSC601 |
Sims, Tracy |
A Victorian Collection NLL |
BKST201 |
Sims, Tracy |
A Victorian Collection Vol 2 NLL |
BKST202 |
Smith-Burns, Gigi |
Gigi's Garden Delights NLL |
BKSB215 |
Stallcup, Ross |
Gran's Cottage NLL |
BKSC533 |
Stallcup, Ross |
Gran's Marketplace (Acrylics) OOP |
BKSC426 |
Stevenson, Annette |
Forever Roses, Vol 2 OOP |
BKSA302 |
Stokes, Chris |
Simply Gourd-geous Again OOP |
BKSC712 |
Sweeney, Kathy |
Door Baskets |
BKSK401 |
Swiatek Gillen, Arlene |
Classy Glass NLL |
BKSA401 |
Takashima, Bobbie |
Painting a World of Enchantment OOP |
BKTB105 |
Taylor, Maureen A. |
Preserving Your Family Photographs NLL |
BKTM601 |
Thomas, Maxine |
Country Primitives Vol 3 OOP |
BKSC322 |
Thomas, Robyn |
Sugar Brush
Season NLL |
BKTR102 |
Tilford, Phyllis |
More Tole Mill Favorites OOP |
BKTP109 |
Vannier, Prudy |
Toys and Collectibles OOP |
BKVP105 |
Vannier, Prudy |
Garden Glories Fruit Vegetables/Berries OOP |
BKVP110 |
Van Wyk, Helen |
Helen's Favorite Color Recipes NLL |
BKVH102 |
Vigue, Jordi |
Great Women Masters of Art |
BKVJ201 |
Wald, Janet |
Painting With Attitude NLL |
BKWJ403 |
Wald, Janet |
An Oriental Flair NLL |
BKWJ402 |
Walsh, Paula |
Bear's Inn Jars OOP |
BKSC539 |
Walsh, Paula |
Bear's Inn Jars 2 OOP |
BKSC563 |
Walters, Kathi CDA |
Pipsqueaks: Greatest Hits NLL |
BKWK117 |
Ward, Kathy |
Pntg for Outdoor Entertaining NLL |
BKWK201 |
Weiser, Marsha CDA |
Realistic Illusions 3 NLL |
BKWM305 |
Wekarchuk-Shute, Nancy CDA |
Heritage Seasons NLL |
BKWN107 |
Wekarchuk-Shute, Nancy CDA |
Heritage Beginnings NLL |
BKWN108 |
Whisson, Colley |
Creating Impressionist Landscapes in Oil OOP |
BKWC201 |
Williams, Amanda |
Country Doodles 3 |
BKSC578 |
Williams, Connie |
Connie's Winter Wonderland NLL |
BKWC101 |
Williams, Connie |
Harvest Moon and Frosty Days NLL |
BKWC102 |
Willenbrink, Mark and Mary |
Watercolor for the Absolute Beginner |
BKWM701 |
Wilson, Shirley |
Merry Christmas Chronicles Big Blue Book NLL |
BKWS204 |
Wollenberg, Ursula |
Heaven and Hearts |
BKWU113 |